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Career Counsellor Powerup Package


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We become your technology team to set your CareerGuidance setup.


We give you access to30+ different Career Psychometric Assessments.


We connect you to Career counsellors of 12 different countries.

Just like 1000s of Career Counsellors who have accelerated their Career with help of
services from CareerGuide

" You Can Too!"

Know what our Career Counsellor
Society looks like

Career Counsellors Power Up Package 1
Career Counsellors Power Up Package 2
CareerGuide works for a cause – To help the students identifying their interests and guide them towards bright career opportunities. The organization exercises cutting edge methodologies in designing the career roadmap of the students. Unfortunately, in India, people don’t choose their careers, they are engulfed by them. This is one reality that CareerGuide aspires to change through its innovative approach.

"12 Benefits and Services in
Career Counsellor’s power-up package"

We provide you with uncountable benefits and services to help you be the best out of the bestest. Take our easy to use Psychometric Tests and build online reputation. Guide the students on our CareerGuide app, Earn with us, Get a personalized dashboard to keep track of your students and earnings. Use powerful knowledge resources like our career libraries and college libraries abroad. Get technology resources and bundle of 6 certification courses. Join our Community.


Build A Powerful presence as a
Career Counsellor

Build A Powerful presence as a Career Counsellor and help people find the perfect and ideal career for them


Get a Technology Partner

Technology partnerships exist to help organizations implement and optimize their technical systems


Get More Business Opportunities

Open doors to thousands of More and exciting Business Opportunities


Connect to Career Counsellors Across the World

Connect to Counsellors Across the World and build a network to gain expertise in the field


Get Complimentary Psychometric Assessments

Get Complimentary Psychometric Assessments to help you gain skills and achieve excellence in the field of Career Counselling


Bundle of 6 Certification Course

Learn all of the Skills Required In Today's World as an Experienced Career Counsellor


Get Minimum Business Guarantee

Get Minimum Business Guarantee and start your journey with us


21st century Life Skill Assessment

Get Life Skill Assessment from
1 to 12 & Working Progress


Fortnight - Monthly calls for tracking progress

Fortnight - Monthly calls for tracking your progress continously


Have a team to help sell for you

Have an experienced and skilled team to help sell for you to increase reach


Have ready made Presentation, Logos and Checklists

Have ready made Presentations and logos to aid you in your Career Counselling process


Get all the Knowledge Resources needed- Career, Colleges

Get all the Knowledge Resources needed regarding Careers, Colleges, etc

List of Services

Challenges Faced in Starting Up
as a Career Counsellor

Career Counsellors Power Up Package 3
Get to know more about our product and start your journey with us today!
    •  Parents’ high expectations from students, changing the mindset during post-secondary education, student forced to pursue a career of his/her dislike can lead to a lower self-esteem of the student and the situation becomes, even more, worst when the student fails to figure out a right path or fails to meet the expectations of surroundings.
    • Students don’t know what exactly career counselling is. Career counsellors’ first step is to convince them on how it will be beneficial what their work is and what all to expect from career counselling.
    • In several countries, there are certain restrictions from the Education departments on who can provide career counselling and who cannot. this is mainly based on the degress, however, there are numerous career counsellors who are working for several years but without a license. For better assessment of someone’s life, they have to go through advanced psychological and sociological training.
    • Counsellors often face difficulties with communication when parents are not ready or are too caring for the child:20px

Have a look at what we are offering in Career Counsellor’s Power-up package

What's Included!

Power package for Counsellors
  • Minimum Business Guarantee per year
  • Access to Career Library

What's Included!

Power package for Counsellors
  • End - End Business Support for 1 year
  • Access to Career Library

What's Included!

Power package for Counsellors
  • Build Online Reputation/Counsellor Profile
  • Build Online Reputation-PR, Speaker Slot, Digital Listing
Career Counsellors Power Up Package 4

Who should POWER-UP?

"Need for Career Counsellors is Fierce in this Growing Economy"

Career Counsellors Power Up Package 5

“Indian Government has launched National Career Service in 2015 which has been supported by Ministry of Labour and Employment focusing on skill development, vocational training, and career counselling and employment generation. It is one of the modular systems that have been placed in the ecosystem to reach out to the masses in need of career counselling.”

The major challenge is a population which comprises of 315 million students and double the professionals. In contrast, there are very few career counsellors available in the country which renders all the efforts useless.

Private practice of career counselling is more readily available in the country but the ratio of availability of career counsellor to the number of students is shockingly less i.e. 1:20,000 which is nowhere close to the global standard. Also, the availability is there in Tier-1 and Tier-2 cities only.

Become A Master Career guide

Set up your own Career Counselling Practice with
end-end help.


Surabhi Dewra

Career Counsellor

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Become A Master Career guide

Set up your own Career Counselling Practice with end-end help.


Career Counsellor’s Power Up Package 6

Career Counsellor

Most Respected Career Counsellors
are part of Career Guide's Community

Get to know our Career counsellors closer and better and start your journey to success and growth with us.

Surabhi Dewra

“We at CareerGuide.com realize that career counselling can enhance ‘students’ awareness towards their career goals and make them confident about how to achieve them. We have worked with more than 100 schools in different states of the country and have never met any teacher who found career counselling as a waste of time. However, there is high need of drive to be pushed within the country in order to bring career counselling a topic of major concern.”

How is Service Delivered

Let us help you give the right direction to your students

Career Counsellors Power Up Package 8

Trusted By Thousands Of Career Counsellors

Here is a glimpse of what CareerGuide.com has been awarded through the years for shaping




2020 1

International Women's Day Receipient -Tinder

2020 2

ASU GSV Elite 200


CEO with HR Orientation Award

2019 1

50 Fabulous Edutech Leaders - World Education Congress


Indian Education Award

2018 (1)

FAME INDIA 25 Powerful Women Award


BITSAA Global 30 Under 30 Award

2015 (1)

Action For India Award

2015 (2)

Digital Women Award - SheTheTv


Microsoft Technology Excellence Award


National Education Excellence Award


Assocham India Award


Your Story 40 Women Entrepreneur

So what are you waiting for?


Career Counsellors Power Up Package 9
Career Counsellors Power Up Package 10


Students Helped


Psychometrics done


Career Counsellors


Geographic Reach

“We help you Learn, Network, Grow, Develop and earn”

Did You Know?

Students Population

The largest population of students actually reside in the Asian countries, still, the career counselling services are strikingly poorly available in this region. At the current time, in order to give a boost to the education efforts that these countries are taking to remain at par with the developed nations, it is necessary to spend over career counselling and provide a right path to the youth and working professionals. Right guidance for the career can help the students not waste their precious time on the wrong choices and set their career goals well in advance

Literacy Rate In India

It is surprising to see that student literacy rate in India is as low as 69% while other countries have the rate above 80%. Such low literacy rate demands serious efforts from the government of the country. Career Counselling can prove to be highly effective in such a situation by motivating students and their parents to pursue education and set career goals.

“It has been estimated through studies that career counseling
can improve drop-out rate at school level by at least 62% in
a developing nation and by 35% in a developed nation.”

Have a look at what we are offering

Get to know more about our Career Counsellor’s power-up package and start your journey with us today!

Snapshot of Technology Platform for Career Counsellor

Career Counsellor’s Power Up Package 12
Career Counsellor’s Power Up Package 13

Frequently Ask Questions

  • Free Psychometric Assessments
  • Build an online reputation by providing job assistance and a minimum annual business guarantee!
  • Personalized Counselor Dashboard – keep track of everything!
  • Website Development
  • Use of the Career Library
  • Access to the most up-to-date College Directory in India and abroad
  • Courses for free certification
  • Belonging to a community (invaluable peer support!)

There are 12 benefits

BENEFIT 1: Build A Powerful presence as a Career Counsellor.

BENEFIT 2: Get a Technology Partner.

BENEFIT 3: Get More Business Opportunities.

BENEFIT 4: Connect to Career Counsellors Across the World.

BENNEFIT 5: Get Complimentary Psychometric Assessments.

BENEFIT 6: Certification course.

BENEFIT 7: Get a minimum business guarantee.

BENEFIT 8: Get a 21st-century skill assessment.

BENEFIT 9: Make a respectful and online credible presence.

BENEFIT 10: Have a team to help sell for you.

BENEFIT 11: Have a ready-made Presentation and Logos.

BENEFIT 12: Get all the Knowledge Resources needed-Career colleges.

There are 6 courses available on a Master Program:

  • Get certification to boost your counselling practice
  • Course for Guiding School & College Students
  • Courses for Guiding Working Professionals
  • Courses for Study Abroad Guidance
  • Courses for Branding and Sales for Career Counsellors
  • Certified Psychometric professional

It costs only 1.5 lakhs, you can also get some coupon discounts and we give business support for one year with certificates for lifetime validation like other diploma courses, psychometric assessments, technology support, revenue support, and community support.

All of the Career Counsellor’s power-up package courses are now in English. English captions will be available for a couple of the courses.

We do not take returns at this time, as mentioned in our Agreement. Every purchase is final. All fees are non-refundable.<>

No, at a time only one user can take all the benefits and services.

  • Weekly – Monthly Calls for tracking your progress
  • Ready-made Presentation & Video Workshops available
  • Logo – Business card
  • Mock sessions and Paid Projects will be given
  • Dedicated account manager
  • White Labelled Solution
  • Zero annual maintenance
  • Step by Step guidance and review
  • Sales Pitches and webinars will be done jointly

Yes, EMI is available for 3 months to 15 months.

CareerGuide is India’s top leading organization. We received many awards like BWEducation under40, International Women’s Day Receipient -Tinder,ASU GSV Elite 200, and many more. We give business support for one year with certificates for lifetime validation like other diploma courses, psychometric assessments, technology support, revenue support, and community support. To enroll with us and Power-up the Growth of your Career Counselling Business Today!


Are you ready to go on a courageous, self-discovering, and empowering journey with Careerguide.com?

Do you want to enhance your counseling skills with Career Counsellor’s power-up package? You have come to the right place. We offer 6 certification courses that will help you to enhance your counselling skills. The 6 certification courses are as follows:

1. Get certification to boost your counselling practice:

A 50+ hour, self-paced, lifetime access the online course for career counselling certification is offered by CareerGuide under the title “Career Counsellor Certification Course for Guidance or Career Counseling School Students.” This will help in providing you with the curriculum by using several Case Studies, Scenarios, FAQs, and Quizzes. Everything you require to work as a competent career counsellor is included in the curriculum. This 17-lesson course will help you hone your skills and establish yourself as an expert career counsellor.

2. Course for Guiding School & College Students:

The 75+ hour self-paced online curriculum called Guiding Graduates and Postgraduates Certification. It will help provide your curriculum by using multiple case studies, scenarios, FAQs, and quizzes. Additionally, it covers a wide range of subjects, details, and options that are typical of the segment’s assistance. The curriculum provides everything you need to work as a successful graduate and postgraduate student counsellor and career advisor. This course has over 24 courses that will help you improve your abilities and establish yourself as a leading career advisor.  

3. Courses for Guiding Working Professionals:

For guiding working professionals, a self-paced, 75+ hour online certification program is provided. It will help provide your curriculum by using multiple case studies, scenarios, FAQs, and quizzes. Additionally, it covers a wide range of subjects, details, and options that are typical of the segment’s assistance. The program is designed to provide you with the skills you need to work well with working professionals and point them in the direction of a successful future. This 14-lesson course will help you hone your skills and establish yourself as an expert career counsellor.

4. Courses for Study Abroad Guidance:

A 20+ hour self-paced online course is available for personal branding and sales certification. It will help provide your curriculum by using multiple case studies, scenarios, FAQs, and quizzes. Additionally, it covers a wide range of subjects, details, and options that are typical of the segment’s assistance. The curriculum contains all the information you need to be successful as a counsellor in the Personal Branding & Sales section. The 11 courses in this course will help you improve your abilities and position yourself as a leading career advisor.

5. Courses for Branding and Sales for Career Counsellors:

Lifetime access is included with the 50+ hour, self-paced online Career Counselor Certification Course in “Psychometric Assessments” from CareerGuide. The primary topics of the psychometric assessment course will be the principles, theory, and application of behavioral measurement methods for traits like intelligence, interest, aptitude, and personality, among others. Various Case Studies, Scenarios, FAQs, and Quizzes will be used to make the course information available. Everything you require to work as a competent career counsellor is included in the curriculum. This 22-lesson course will help you hone your skills and establish yourself as an expert career counsellor.  

6. Certified Psychometric professional:

A 50+ hour, self-paced, lifetime access the online course for career counsellor certification is offered by CareerGuide under the title “Career Counsellor Certification Course for Study Abroad Guidance.” With the help of several Case Studies, Scenarios, FAQs, and Quizzes, this will help provide you with a curriculum. The curriculum has all the information you require to become a competent career counsellor. This 14-lesson course will help you hone your skills and establish yourself as an expert career counsellor.

These courses under Career Counsellor’s power-up package are for:

Ø  Professional / Aspiring Educator

Ø  Professional / Aspiring Career Counsellors

Ø  Professional / Aspiring Teachers

Ø  School Principal / Psychologists

Ø  Students pursuing Psychology

Ø  Anyone who deals with students on a regular basis

Ø  Anyone who cares for the future generation’s career path

Ø  Study Abroad Consultant

Ø  Recruiter & HR Professionals

Ø  Ed-tech Entrepreneur

Ø  Lecturer / Professors

We provide business help for a year with certificates for lifetime validity, similar to other diploma courses, psychometric assessments, technological support, revenue support, and community support, for about 1.5 lakhs. You can also get some coupon reductions. There are many benefits of a master’s program. One of the beneficial parts is EMI is available for 3 months to 15 months. We give you countless advantages and services that enable you to surpass all others in your field. Use our simple Psychometric Tests to establish your internet reputation. instructing students to use our CareerGuide app earning with us, Get a customised dashboard to monitor your revenue and students. Use robust knowledge resources, such as those in our career libraries and international college libraries. Get a collection of six certification courses and technical resources. Enter our Community.

The main benefits of Career Counsellor’s power-up package are as follows:

·         BENEFIT 1: Build A Powerful presence as a Career Counsellor.

·         BENEFIT 2: Get a Technology Partner.

·         BENEFIT 3: Get More Business Opportunities.

·         BENEFIT 4: Connect to Career Counsellors Across the World.

·         BENNEFIT 5: Get Complimentary Psychometric Assessments.

·         BENEFIT 6: Certification course.

·         BENEFIT 7: Get a minimum business guarantee.

·         BENEFIT 8: Get a 21st-century skill assessment.

·         BENEFIT 9: Make a respectful and online credible presence.

·         BENEFIT 10: Have a team to help sell for you.

·         BENEFIT 11: Have a ready-made Presentation and Logos.

·         BENEFIT 12: Get all the Knowledge Resources needed-Career colleges.

     We deliver services by Weekly – Monthly Calls for tracking your progress, Ready-made Presentation & Video Workshops   available Logo – Business card , Mock sessions and Paid Projects will be given , Dedicated account manager, White Labelled Solution, Zero annual maintenance , Step by Step guidance and review , Sales Pitches and webinars will be done jointly. The list of services are as follows:

·         Free Psychometric Assessments

·         Build an online reputation by providing job assistance and a minimum annual business guarantee!

·         Personalized Counselor Dashboard – keep track of everything!

·         Website Development

·         Use of the Career Library

·         Access to the most up-to-date College Directory in India and abroad

·         Courses for free certification

·         Belonging to a community (invaluable peer support!)

Why CareerGuide?

The goal of CareerGuide is to assist students in discovering their interests and direct them toward rewarding career choices. The organization uses cutting-edge approaches to create the students’ career plan. Unfortunately, people in India are consumed by their occupations rather than choosing them. Through its creative approach, we hopes to transform this reality. CareerGuide has been offering holistic career solutions to the students and professionals in need and guidance to the concerned parents to take informed decisions for their ward.

Our team has broad industry knowledge as well as key advisers in various domains. Our clients range from  engineer to artists and enterprise sales Professionals to advocates.

·          Being an integral part of the operations and recruitment process for various multinationals we have observed the rising need of proper career mapping.       

From the initial assessment, in process of planning implementation we guide you in everything on that basis we to career guide apply the most effective solution which is best suited for you, our counselors make recommendations that fits your requirement.

We informs you about your strength and shortcomings help in knowing yourself well through psychometric And counseling sessions and also assist you in making  decisions in your life. So, go ahead with career guide. When you are choosing us you are choosing a group of experienced counselors and advisors who will help you in every possible way .

We received many awards like BWEducation under40, International Women’s Day Receipient – Tinder, ASU GSV Elite 200, and many more. In addition to other diploma courses, psychometric tests, technological assistance, revenue support, and community support, we offer business support for a year with certifications for lifetime validation. 

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